Bitsing goes down under!

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Spaces (Regus) Australia presents:


Sydney – 9 March 2018 (Last seats available)

Free admittance.

#1 Best-selling author, Frans de Groot, and founder of the Bitsing Methodology visits Australia and gives two of his acclaimed inspirational lectures about the world’s first business management model that guarantees success – The Bitsing Method, for FREE!

For everyone who wants to learn about the proven ‘Seven Laws of Guaranteed Growth’. Experience how the biggest multinationals and thousands of entrepreneurs around the world reached their goals seamlessly and even grew by amazing percentages of over 300 Percent!

This event has passed, stay tuned for the next session!

FRANS DE GROOT is A #1 best-selling author and the pioneer of Bitsing, a business goal-achievement method that achieves breath-taking results. More than twenty years of scientific and practical research preceded his discovery of the method. Frans lectures on Bitsing in the European Master’s program, at several universities and at various tertiary colleges. With his business, The Bitsing Company, Frans helps thousands of people and organizations to simply and efficiently achieve their goals, every day.